Our Story
The story of Evangelist Liquors begins as far back as
1907 a Borrello, a mountain village in the province of Chieti. Here lived at the time Antonio Evangelista, mayor - podestà of this village, known to all for his authority, but also for his great passion for alchemy. And it was Antonio Evangelista who started the first generation of liquor makers in the family with his recipe "magic" of the famous Punch Abruzzo.
On chilly winter evenings, the mayor used to make himself a special drink, made from local herbs and berries, which, warmed by the fireplace fire gave off an intense fragrance e intoxicating, a true antidote to the cold. Soon many began to demand this drink that "warmed even the soul" and the insistent demand led the mayor to be convinced to market that liquor, which took the name of Punch Abruzzo, thus giving birth to the company Evangelista Liquori. It was the beginning of a long and glorious history of great liquors and just as many successes.
The Punch Abruzzo , which originated as a drink to be drunk warm in winter, was soon loved also cold, as a digestive or on ice cream. Later Antonio Evangelista, joined by his sons Felice, Domenico, Gentile and Erminia, created other liqueurs: Centerbe, Amaro Igea, Anisetta, Mephistopheles, Sorceress of the Forest, Aperitif Jolly, Dry Gin, all of which are always highly appreciated.
World War II and bombing destroyed Borrello and the company, but the liquor factory had the strength and tenacity d stand up again, returning from the 1960s company of reference for the quality of its products. In
1983, Felice Evangelista moved the liquor factory to the industrial area of Sambuceto, Chieti, while in Borrello today remains only a road named to Antonio Evangelista for his entrepreneurial skills.
Evangelista liquors
"EMOTION" of Abruzzo
in a sip of pleasure.

Company Today
From the 1980s to the present
Evangelist Liquors has managed to grow
and to assert themselves powerfully over much of of territory National, receiving numerous awards, including the Golden Hercules, the Golden Lion, the Golden Eagle and also manages to cross borders, establishing itself abroad. For years the Punch Abruzzo and the other Evangelista products are. present at Canada, Ohio, Australia, Holland, Belgium, France and England.
Important positioning that allows Evangelist
to be present in the drink list
and in the menu of many premises exclusive to London e not only, thanks to the foresight and to passion for family liquor on the part of Marco, who together with his parents Claudio e Ascensina, carries on the work begun at the beginning of the last century.